Monday, February 23, 2009

Arjo Contemplates Renditions While Plowing Snow

Some have debated as to whether the drawing of the man sipping hot chocolate in the snow is really BNX's lead visionary -- Arjo Henderson. "That can't be him" said an anonymous QA engineer for another project. Last I heard, that project was doomed. Some have questioned as to whether RGA drew the comp of Arjo as a stretch goal assignment. "RGA has always had a way with nature" commented Corey who doesn't seem to make anything clearer.

The much anticipated BNX11 is set to launch in May. Some say that it will win more awards than "Slumdog Millionaire" and "Baywatch" combined.


Anonymous said...

Haha. Arjo Henderson.

Plarkqwit said...

When did you change to the Human Firetorch?