Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Corey Receives a Blind-Sided CFE

Corey came back to BNX this week after a tremendously long unpaid sabbatical. In his new role for BNX, he'll be reporting directly to me as "Assistant to the Regional Manager" which means absolutely nothing. As his manager, I want him "Evolve Immediately" so I've decided to conduct a CFE based on the 3 days he's been back.

"Giving someone a blind-sided CFE is like going for kiss on the first date" said Andrew. I'm not sure how security has affected Andrew but I'm glad I'm giving Corey a CFE rather than a kiss.

Here are some excellent 360's that I've received so far:

"The Blazers got Oden and we somehow got Corey."
"He reminds me of Pinnochio."
"I feel weak around him."
"Is he wearing a pink diaper in the picture above?"

Hopefully, blind-sided CFE's will be the de-facto for all future hires...


Anonymous said...

Corey's official title from the phone list is "GIT - Ftwr Prod Creation Admin”. From this standpoint, he did not fulfill his admin duties well, but he does make a good Home Depot sales rep. Overall, satisfactory.

Anonymous said...

Corey was instrumental in the war on the axis of vendors. Overall I give him a slightly below acceptable.

Anonymous said...

Corey is the coolest guy I know.

Anonymous said...

did I hear someone say "baby back ribs?"

Anonymous said...

i heard he is pretty hot. Corey, not Ken.