Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jeremy Returns!

"No contractor in the history of BNX has ever been hired, period!" said Corey Lederer. Then Corey added, "Thanks to SBI, Ascentium, etc...". Corey's been known to declare powerfuly blunt statements which are based on science fiction.

That's about to change...

Jeremy F. Stewart, now married to an amazing woman (Mari Lyn), will return to Nike as a member of which is like Howard Stern moving to Satelite Radio or Jerry Rice going to the Raiders.

Jeremy will be sitting about 20 feet from the BNX team and he will be starting Monday, 9-17. Please help us in planting something rotten (maybe from Pat's collection) in his new cube. That way, he will know where he belongs-- with BNX.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's hope that Jeremy does better with the team than Jerry did in Oakland!

-Greg Oden