Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Nurse From Hell

It was the worst pain I had ever gone through. I'm pretty sure she missed my vein because it turned out to be a bloody mess.

I fainted for what seemed like 24 hours but they told me that it was only 5 seconds. I'm pretty sure that my left brain was idle and my right brain was taxed 100%. During that time, I had dreams that our development for May was complete and my bug-free software was running beautifully and adoption was high but then I woke up.

I'm now back to work with a scab on my arm and trying to code at the same time. Tweet me @kdomen with affection.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Perhaps a day or two off would help? Then again, we're in the RED...blood RED...can't afford any down time. Persevere, work through the pain, and above all...try to avoid nightmares about the nurse.

Dr.K said...

Oh the Horror! Sorry Ken!
I ask that you put this understandably upsetting drama out of your mind while you are composing my letter of recommendation on Linked In! No more temps...and if your cholesterol is good I won't make you repeat this little shop of horrors for at least a few years!