Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sar's Room Challenges the Landlord

In a rare yet humanitarian manner, the Sar's Room interpreted Pat's non-gentle yet Sarbanes-Oxley compliant response to be nothing more than a challenge. "We haven't played basketball since the beginning of this Presidency" said a burrito-lover/coder. There's no doubt we've gained plenty of weight as well as develop an immune system able to fight any disease.

Although Pat's been playing for decades, he has no idea what it's like to play a bunch of locked up, love-deprived coders. "I feel like I can fly" said a coder who watched the latest Jumpman 23 commercial.

If we win, we want our dignity plus the cable channel controller back in our room. If you win, you get your wine and cookies.

1 comment:

kron said...

ken is genious: